Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pinterest Interest – For the Home

Here are the favorite Pins of my "For the Home" board.

- Super simple to make! This pinner has a great way to keep the sink smelling fresh. Salt, Baking Soda, Dish Soap, Lemon Juice and Lemon Zest and sweet scented sink here I come. No baking just making and putting in container. MUST DO!

- Put all your little color somethings together! I have a TON of little nail polishes and there is a perfect solution to make use of their size and color. Find a cute glass container that fits the theme of your room. Take all the little goodies and give them a new home! I prefer containers without a top for easy grab and go use. To make the containers stand out scour a second hand store for vintage pieces that are a perfect match.

In Home Spa
- Make a spa in any room you want. Combine the elements of earth, water, fire and air into one serenity accent piece. Choose one glass fixture to make your creation. Place stones at the bottom, secure a artifical flower in the mix, add water to the desired height. Place a candle in the water and wait for it to float. When ready, light the candle and expereince the elements of peace in whatever room you are in.

Picture Perfect
- This pin allows for multiple options in hanging your photos in the same space. Any size frame with shelves without, long or short, big or small you name it there is an option. A great pin if there is a wall perfect for frames of the family and friends!